Why PicskateTM ?

  • Picskates are easy to use!
  • Patented designs to replicate ice skating.
  • ‘T’ bushings absorb vibration for a smoother ride.
  • Flush mounted bolts protect skating floor.
  • Take your Pic® of 3 or 4 wheels.
  • Pic® can be rotated to extend wear.
3-wheel Jazz Picskate with captions

The Lightest Frame in the World is Yours!

3 Wheel Frame with Stopper

Pic® Frame


9.0 oz

Snow White®


10.09 oz



11.15 oz

Fully Loaded Wheels, Bearings, T-Bushings & Stopper

Pic® Frame


1 lb, 3.7 oz

Snow White®


1 lb, 6.0 oz



1 lb, 6.1 oz

Figure skaters are always looking for ways to train off the ice. Traditional quad roller skates are very hard for ice skaters to transition to, but inline skates have changed things so that ice skaters can skate on wheels.

Before Picskating, always

  1. Check your Picskates for wear, replace pic or other parts as needed.
  2. Be certain set screws are in place after rotating or replacing pic.
  3. Perform stretching exercises before putting on your Picskates.

When Picskating, always

  1. Wear a helmet and other protective gear.
  2. Practice slowing and stopping in a safe area.
  3. Be aware of surroundings. Clear skating area of debris before practicing.
  4. Be courteous of others.
  5. Announce passing intentions.
  6. Look for open space to skate.
  7. Exercise control.
  8. Enjoy skating with your Picskates!